Pure Love Translations

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Limited First Love Chapter 56

Translated by Q the Panda (ko-fi)

Chapter 56 A Very Long Chapter

As Ruan Yiyun's good luck would have it, Guo Wei finally received some good news after a string of bad luck.

In the last exam, due to his low spirits, he answered poorly, yet he managed to scrape by with a passing grade, most likely due to the teacher's leniency.

But some things were still heading in a worse direction.

Guo Wei's phone battery became increasingly unreliable, shutting down automatically within half a day due to low power. Upon inspecting the phone closely, it seemed slightly swollen.

Ruan Yiyun suggested lending his own phone to him.

"I can use my old phone. It's only been retired for a few months, so it's still functioning well," he said. "Using it for another year or so shouldn't be a problem."

Guo Wei thought for a moment, but ultimately declined. "Forget it, I'm not going out much lately anyway. I can charge it in the dorm or at your place, so I'm not worried."

"If the battery swells up and explodes, what will you do?" Ruan Yiyun asked.

"You jinx!" Guo Wei crossed his arms in an 'X' shape across his chest. "Don't curse me!"

Ruan Yiyun looked at him, his expression filled with reluctance.

"It's alright. Once I get back home, my parents will give me some money," Guo Wei said. "Then I'll be able to replace it."

Right now, he was still a sinner, so he had no way to physically show his parents how irreparably broken this phone was. To just go and ask for money was purely asking for a scolding.

Once he passed the makeup exam and returned home, his chances of success in coaxing and begging would naturally increase manifold.

Seeing his resolve, Ruan Yiyun ceased to press further.

"Did that pervert contact you today?" he asked Guo Wei.

Guo Wei shook his head.

Last night, he slept in his own dorm room. Shortly after slipping under the covers, he received a notification. Thinking it might be Ruan Yiyun wanting to chat, he opened it, only to find a friend request from an unfamiliar number.

The request message read: Hello, I have something to tell you. Please accept.

It seemed polite enough, but he was wary of potential harm. Tentatively, he replied, "May I ask who's speaking?"

The response he received was suspicious from the outset. "Accept first, then we'll talk."

Guo Wei immediately took screenshots and sent them all to Ruan Yiyun. Ruan Yiyun quickly caught on to the clue.

The username of this person seemed like gibberish, but the first three letters were identical to the account from the pervert.

Guo Wei promptly blocked the person.

"So annoying, it's affecting my mood," he sighed. "Do you think reporting to the police would work?"

"You can try, but it might not be very effective," Ruan Yiyun said.

After all, there was no substantial harm done, and the police were busy with their daily tasks. They had seen plenty and wouldn't take such trivial matters seriously.

Guo Wei felt somewhat aggrieved but didn't dare to show too much concern in front of Ruan Yiyun, fearing that Ruan Yiyun might be more upset than him.

In some peculiar ways, Ruan Yiyun resembled an Alpha, especially in his possessiveness.

Delving deeper into this topic might inadvertently require him to becalm Ruan Yiyun instead.

"Don't worry, I'll track this person down sooner or later, and when I do, they'll definitely get a beating." Guo Wei struck a boxing pose, swinging his fist through the air. "If it turns out to be an Alpha, I'll just come to you for help. We'll outnumber them."

Ruan Yiyun indeed chuckled. He reached out and pulled Guo Wei closer, planting a loud kiss on his cheek. "Don't, fighting isn't good."

With a dazed expression, Guo Wei leaned against him, feeling like a helpless little bird utterly dependent on humans for survival.

Ruan Yiyun had stealthily grown taller again, and when they stood together, there was now a noticeable height difference between them.

To regain some psychological balance, he unconsciously adopted a rougher attitude. "How can I rid myself of this hatred if I don't beat him up!"

"If you start a fight, you'll be fully responsible for the consequences. If nothing happens, what's the point of venting?" Ruan Yiyun remarked. "If you end up getting hurt, it's not worth it. There are other ways."

"What other ways?" Guo Wei frowned. "Surely not an eye for an eye?"

Ruan Yiyun tilted his head in thought and replied, "Let's wait until we've tracked him down."

"Do you have any leads?" Guo Wei asked.

Ruan Yiyun grinned at him. "Just a little."

Seeing Guo Wei's curious and eager expression, he raised his hand with a smile and pointed at his own lips with his index finger.

Guo Wei immediately tilted his head back and delivered a loud, hearty kiss on the spot.

Ruan Yiyun was pleased with this and said, "I spent half the night yesterday and found a bit of a clue."

In the modern era of the internet, leaving no trace behind was nearly impossible.

Ruan Yiyun didn't possess hacking skills. He was just patient and had some help from others.

It was obvious that the person sending harassing messages and posting on the forum were highly likely the same individual. Thinking they were safe behind a pseudonym, they didn't realize they had already slipped up on the disorganized forum.

Even though the person posted anonymously on the forum, Ruan Yiyun was acquainted with the administrator and could therefore directly retrieve the specific account associated with the anonymous post from the backend.

This account seemed quite clean. Save for that one post, it had hardly posted any other content.

Ruan Yiyun ventured into the semi-abandoned school's official forum and was pleasantly surprised to find that this person had used the same username to register on the official forum and had made quite a few posts.

On the official forum, this person behaved decently and spoke eloquently.

Since the posts were on the school forum, they were likely related to daily academic and student life.

After spending several hours combing through all his post records, Ruan Yiyun could already determine this person's major, year, surname, and gender. With a comparison to the student roster, it would be easy to narrow down the target.

"When he's earnestly posting, he doesn't even bother to conceal personal information," Ruan Yiyun told Guo Wei. "I even know which dormitory he lives in."

Guo Wei, nervous yet excited, exclaimed, "We can catch him in no time! Can I post about him on the Confession Wall?"

This approach was much more civilized than resorting to violence and had a certain degree of impact. But it was unclear if the pervert would find it embarrassing.

"Let's not rush," Ruan Yiyun said. "I promised my friend not to disclose the account-checking matter. The evidence chain we have isn't complete enough for him to admit guilt. So, we need to find other clues."

"Ah, but you disclosed it to me, didn't you?" Guo Wei said.

Ruan Yiyun sighed in resignation. "It’s fine as long as we don’t publicize it as evidence.”

Guo Wei breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh... I'll keep it secret too then."

"Besides," Ruan Yiyun chuckled, "I don't consider you an outsider."

Guo Wei, fearing he might have misunderstood the situation, hurriedly said, "Exactly, you're my confidant!"

Ruan Yiyun had no objection to this and smiled warmly at him.

"So if he creates another account to bother me during this time, can I let him know that I know his information and warn him to back off?" Guo Wei asked.

Ruan Yiyun thought for a moment before replying, "It's better to strike preemptively. When I get back today, I'll post about him, using his real name in the title, and say I've found out about his actions and plan to deal with him after the holidays."

Guo Wei was surprised. "With a warning? Wouldn't that give away our plans? And why wait until the end of the holidays?"

"Silly," Ruan Yiyun pinched his nose gently. "If we expose him now and then everyone goes on vacation for two months, by the time school starts again, it'll be almost forgotten. It's more effective to embarrass him when he's back among his classmates."

"I see..." Guo Wei suddenly understood.

"By giving him a warning in advance, he won't dare to harass you again, and he'll spend the whole vacation feeling uneasy," Ruan Yiyun explained further. "Isn't that good?"

Guo Wei immediately raised both thumbs. "Impressive!"

Even unmoderated forums had their benefits.

Ruan Yiyun spent another half a day discovering the person's full name. That evening, he anonymously created several posts using the person's real name, attracting considerable curiosity and keeping the posts on the front page for quite a while.

Replies began to appear from the person's friends, puzzled as to why someone would target such an honest individual.

This ensured that the pervert himself would see the posts.

Afterwards, the pervert indeed disappeared completely. Guo Wei could finally relax and focus on preparing for his makeup exams.

Although he was somewhat confident in the subjects he needed to retake, he couldn't shake off the fear of making mistakes again. He attended every review session diligently, fearing another misstep.

The holiday had officially begun, and the school had become much quieter. Evenings found the once-bustling paths deserted, with no pedestrians for minutes at a time.

It was a strange feeling. When the surroundings became quieter than usual, the ordinary and familiar scenery seemed more worthy of appreciation.

Walking hand in hand with his beloved, the atmosphere also gained a touch of romance.

Guo Wei was somewhat addicted to this feeling.

At one point, he secretly lamented why the makeup exams came so quickly. If only they had a few more days, they could enjoy more of this world of just the two of them.

Being alone with Ruan Yiyun in the rented apartment was also a world of their own, but it was a completely different feeling.

When they closed the door, the entire world became intimate and free. They could indulge themselves and enjoy all the pleasures that intimacy brought.

Now, as they walked along the roadside, their small world expanded along with their field of vision, and their feelings for each other were as pure as the hands held together at this moment.

Initially, Guo Wei was happy just to catch a glimpse of Ruan Yiyun, exchange a few words with him, or simply be in the same space.

Later, they embraced, kissed, and bared their souls to each other.

Even now, after experiencing so much intimacy, Guo Wei could still revel in the joy that was no different from the beginning.

"What are you smiling about?" Ruan Yiyun glanced at him.

"I'm just happy!" Guo Wei said.

"Did something good happen?" Ruan Yiyun asked. "Share it with me."

"Nothing in particular, I'm just really happy," Guo Wei said. "Maybe it's because I'm with you."

Ruan Yiyun didn't say anything more, just smiled and nodded lightly.

It wasn't until a few minutes later that he asked, "Are you staying at my place tonight?"

"No, no," Guo Wei shook his head. "I have an exam tomorrow afternoon, so I better use the time to study some more."

Whether it was due to his diligence over the past few days or the teachers deliberately making the makeup exam easier for retake students, Guo Wei found the exam paper quite manageable. He breezed through it, finishing the last question with over twenty minutes to spare, enough time to carefully review and ensure he wouldn't make any careless mistakes.

However, once he left the exam room, he encountered another embarrassing and speechless misfortune.

Just a few hours ago when he left his dorm, his phone battery was at 98%. Despite it being on standby mode the entire time, now, when he turned it back on, it was down to 8%.

Guo Wei stared at the red battery icon in the top right corner.

Taking advantage of the last bit of battery life, he quickly called Ruan Yiyun. Ruan Yiyun had gone to the hospital for a check-up today, and Guo Wei wasn't sure about his current situation.

But as soon as the call connected and Ruan Yiyun began to say "hello", Guo Wei's phone shut down automatically with a musical tone.

Guo Wei looked painfully at his increasingly swollen and damaged phone and couldn't help but worry if it might suddenly explode.

On his way back to the dorm, faced with the harsh reality, he quietly made a decision in his heart.

When he finally reached the dorm and plugged in the charger, as soon as he turned on his phone, he immediately received several messages from Ruan Yiyun.

——Why can't I reach you?


——Are you okay?

——Is it because your phone battery died?

Guo Wei hurriedly called him again, and after just two rings, the call was answered.

He couldn't wait to complain, "My stupid phone seems to have turned into a landline! It can't function without being plugged in!"

"I figured," Ruan Yiyun said with a helpless tone. "Didn't you charge it fully before you left?"

"I did, I charged it until the very last moment before leaving," Guo Wei sighed. "I should have been wary when I saw the battery drop to 98% the moment I unplugged it."

Ruan Yiyun chuckled. "Well, luckily, you're going home tomorrow."

"Let me discuss something with you," Guo Wei grinned at him. "Remember last time you mentioned lending me your phone, right?"

"You finally came around?" Ruan Yiyun laughed.

"Yeah, but... I don't need the new one you offered," Guo Wei said. "I can make do with the old one."

Since the old phone was just sitting there anyway, it made sense to put it to use rather than letting it go to waste, and it would also be easier for him to accept psychologically.

Ruan Yiyun readily agreed, "Okay, I'll go back and get it now."

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