Pure Love Translations

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Limited First Love Chapter 57

Translated by Q the Panda (ko-fi)

Chapter 57 One More Bottle

As it turns out, Ruan Yiyun had already almost reached the doorway of his dormitory.

When he received his first phone call, Ruan Yiyun had just walked out of the hospital. He originally wanted to take the bus, but after weighing it, he chose to take a taxi.

Although he roughly guessed that the sudden shutdown of his phone was due to a problem with the device, being unable to contact anyone still made him somewhat uneasy.

It wasn't until he saw Guo Wei lively and bouncing around earlier that he could completely relax.

After detouring home to get his phone, he called Guo Wei again, asking if he wanted some food brought over.

With the holiday approaching, the school became much emptier. Most of the dorms were empty, and the dorm supervisors weren't as strict as usual. It was much easier to sneak in than before.

Guo Wei's three roommates had already left campus. He had been the only one left since last night. Even if Ruan Yiyun came, he wouldn't be a bother to anyone.

So he readily accepted the offer.

Only one cafeteria remained open on campus, but Guo Wei didn't like the food there. After discussing for a while, the two of them decided to keep it simple and just buy some things from the school's convenience store to make do.

Whether the food was delicious or not, there was a certain atmosphere to sneakily eating dinner with his partner in his dorm room.

Although they said they were just going to make do with whatever they had, when Ruan Yiyun knocked on Guo Wei's dormitory door, the bags in his hands were full to the brim.

He had purchased two different flavors of hotpot, two bottles of cola, some pre-packaged cooked food, and plenty of candy and snacks.

"We'll never finish all of this!" Guo Wei exclaimed as he took the bag.

"Any leftovers can be eaten on the way home tomorrow," Ruan Yiyun suggested.

"My house is just in the city. It takes less than two hours to get there." Guo Wei laughed. "There's no need for snacks specially prepared for the trip!"

Ruan Yiyun chuckled and pulled out a phone from his pocket. "Here, take this."

Guo Wei took a look at the so-called old phone. It was last year's model, showing no signs of wear on the surface. At first glance, it looked much better than his current battered phone. Ruan Yiyun was really extravagant to have replaced this.

"Thanks," Guo Wei said, tilting his head to kiss Ruan Yiyun on the cheek. "I'll return it to you once I buy a new one."

"No rush," Ruan Yiyun said, pulling him closer and kissing his lips. "It's okay if you don't return it. After all, it's useless to me and it just takes up space."

"How could it be useless? It's worth at least two or three hundred yuan as a trade-in for a new one, right?" Guo Wei remarked.

"Yeah, you better cherish it and not drop it again," Ruan Yiyun said.

Guo Wei laughed and glared at him. "It was clearly your fault that I dropped my phone!"

Ruan Yiyun nodded thoughtfully at his words, releasing his arm from the embrace and turning to look at the bathroom. "It was in there, right?"

He walked towards it, stepping inside and casting his gaze around the room. His eyes finally settled on the water tank next to the sink.

"I remember this place," Ruan Yiyun said with a meaningful tone, "You sat here and video called me."

Guo Wei's cheeks rapidly warmed up.

Just a few days ago, taking advantage of his roommate's absence, he had locked the door, placed his phone with the front camera on the sink, and sat on the water tank for over twenty minutes of video call with Ruan Yiyun.

At that moment, besides the intense embarrassment, both his mind and body were filled with ambiguous joy.

But now, embarrassment took precedence.

His roommates had all gone home, but there were still people living in this building, and the neighboring dormitory lights were still on. Some emotions were just not appropriate at this moment.

He grabbed Ruan Yiyun's hand and dragged him out of the bathroom. "Let's eat!"

"Sure," Ruan Yiyun replied in agreement. "Take a look, which flavor do you want?"

Torn between his love for the two hotpot flavors, Guo Wei hesitated, unable to make a decision. Meanwhile, deep in his heart, he pondered over some more serious matters that concerned him.

Unconsciously, Ruan Yiyun seemed to have changed somewhat from before.

His facial features remained as delicate as they were when they first met, his smile sweet and warm, his tone gentle when he spoke. He still acted affectionately, enjoying intimate contact with Guo Wei, occasionally acting coy, and still softly calling him "husband."

But it was different somehow.

Since the moment Guo Wei mentioned that Ruan Yiyun didn't resemble an Alpha, he gradually noticed numerous details in their peaceful daily interactions, each seeming to silently refute his earlier statement.

It was hard to pinpoint exactly what had changed, yet it felt like everything had.

Ruan Yiyun was an Alpha, a soft and lovable one, a true Alpha.

"Can't decide?" Ruan Yiyun seemed to have anticipated this, smiling as he suggested, "Then we can eat them alternately later."

"Okay," Guo Wei replied, tearing open the plastic wrap on the self-heating pot, and casually asked, "How were your test results today?"

"They were great," Ruan Yiyun said. "Apart from the pheromone issue I mentioned before, all my body indicators are now no different from those of an ordinary Alpha. The doctor said we need to continue monitoring for a few more months, but... there shouldn't be any surprises!"

Guo Wei looked up at him. "Has your redifferentiation ended?"

"You could say the progress is nearing one hundred percent," Ruan Yiyun said with evident happiness. "After all, I have to wait for the observation period to end before the hospital can issue the official certification. Then I can go and change my identity documents."

Guo Wei looked at the hotpot he had just opened. "Then we should celebrate today, shouldn't we?"

"That's why I bought snacks," Ruan Yiyun said.

"That's not grand enough!" Guo Wei exclaimed. "We should go out and have a proper meal!"

"Forget it, let's save it for next time since you've already opened it," Ruan Yiyun said, raising his hand to gently touch Guo Wei's cheek. "You can make it up to me later, with a grand celebration."

His fingers trailed slowly down Guo Wei's cheek, finally resting at the side of his neck.

Guo Wei swallowed nervously and nodded silently. "Okay."

Ruan Yiyun's fingers lightly pressed against the small patch of skin, reluctant to withdraw as he asked, "Can I receive an advance payment?"

Guo Wei looked up at him and nodded again. "Um... yes."

It felt strange doing something naughty in the dormitory.

He felt embarrassed and extremely guilty, yet there was also an exhilarating feeling. He didn't dare to make a sound. After all, this wasn't a single dormitory room. When the holiday ended, Guo Wei would still have to live with his three roommates here.

He ultimately didn't dare to push too far, and Ruan Yiyun didn't insist.

"I'll calculate a little interest," he murmured by Guo Wei's ear.

Guo Wei thought to himself that whether he gave one hundred or two hundred percent, it didn't seem to make much difference. Whatever interest Ruan Yiyun wanted to add on, he didn't mind.

"Remember to call me when you get home tomorrow," he reminded Guo Wei.

It was a redundant statement, making Guo Wei chuckle. "I wouldn't be able to resist contacting you anyway."

After saying that, he quietly suggested, "Why don't you come home with me tomorrow..."

After all, they had already arranged to visit each other. What difference did one day make?

"It's been a while since you've been home," Ruan Yiyun shook his head. "Your parents must be missing you terribly. I wouldn't want to intrude on your family time."

That made sense to Guo Wei, and he nodded regretfully.

"It's just for two days," Ruan Yiyun hinted, "Remember to video call me."

Guo Wei blushed but remained silent.

A few days ago, he had made plans with his family for Ruan Yiyun to come over for dinner this weekend. His parents, as ordinary nine-to-five workers, still had to go to work and didn't have much time to prepare. They would have to wait until the weekend to properly entertain their guest.

Later on, he might stay with Ruan Yiyun at Ruan Yiyun's home for a few days, or they might go on a trip together to a nearby place.

The specific plans were still being discussed, but one thing was certain: they didn't want to be apart.

Guo Wei lay amidst the sweet scent, feeling a slight lingering soreness in his neck.

He thought to himself, if he were an Omega, he would have been eagerly anticipating being marked by his beloved Alpha at this moment.

Ruan Yiyun, afraid of a surprise dorm inspection by the dorm supervisor, didn't dare to stay too late. After dinner, he hurriedly left.

During dinner, the cola that Ruan Yiyun casually picked up at the supermarket brought them a little surprise.

Another bottle.

They laughed for a while, discovering that the redemption deadline was exactly the same as the one on the one Guo Wei had bought initially. It seemed that the batch of cola from the same production run had yet to be sold out.

"It's quite nice," Ruan Yiyun said. "This one I'm giving you now, it's from me. Each of us has one, so we're a pair!"

Guo Wei was very happy at that moment. But when he was left alone in the dormitory, he couldn't help but think of some inappropriate things.

They exchanged lucky charms, but the one Guo Wei gave Ruan Yiyun was redeemable, while the one Ruan Yiyun gave him was expired.

Soon, he dispelled this unfounded negative thought.

At this moment, their happiness was ongoing, so why bother thinking about unnecessary things?

Guo Wei happily closed the bottle cap and picked up the old phone Ruan Yiyun had lent him.

Because it had been idle for too long, the battery of the phone Ruan Yiyun brought had long since drained, unable to even power on.

Ruan Yiyun explained that since Guo Wei suddenly asked for it, he hadn't had a chance to reformat it. When he switched phones, he had already transferred the data, so there wasn't anything important inside. Guo Wei could dispose of it as he pleased.

After charging for several hours, the phone could now be easily turned on.

Guo Wei soon smiled at the phone screen.

Ruan Yiyun's wallpaper was the same as the profile picture he had when they first added each other as friends — a cartoon little yellow chick with a fierce expression. It was strangely cute.

Now, Ruan Yiyun's profile picture had long been changed to a photo of Guo Wei's back.

Guo Wei absentmindedly tapped on PeachTalk, intending to log into his own account, only to be stunned to find the app had automatically logged in.

The interface shifted, and Ruan Yiyun's account page appeared on the phone screen.

This guy hadn't logged out of this phone. Guo Wei chuckled helplessly, wanting to log out but couldn't help subconsciously glancing a few more times.

The pinned chat window had a familiar avatar, but the displayed name was completely different from what Guo Wei remembered.

——Little Silly?

Ruan Yiyun actually set such a nickname for him. Guo Wei found it both exasperating and amusing, feeling strangely mushy.

Guo Wei didn't intend to hide the fact that he accidentally logged into Ruan Yiyun's account, so he brazenly clicked on his own profile, changed the nickname to "Big Smartie."

Back in the message interface, below Big Smartie, the chat box with Chen Zui's profile picture displayed the name: Zuibao.

Guo Wei had added Chen Zui as a friend and knew that this wasn't his original account name, undoubtedly another nickname from Ruan Yiyun.

While chuckling, he also noticed the last message displayed below the name by default.

——Huh? Are you kidding me?

The detailed date of this message was shown on the right side.

Guo Wei felt a strange sensation. It had been several months since that date. Undoubtedly, Ruan Yiyun had changed his phone after that.

But Guo Wei remembered that day. It was the first day he met Ruan Yiyun and exchanged contact information.

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